帶你了解美麗紅豆杉 |
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來源: 作者: 發布時間:2013-07-16 17:32 |
浙江省青田縣曼地亞紅豆杉專業合作社 編輯:項李斌 苗木網,999miaomu.com Taxus wallichiana var. maiei (Mairei Yew): 苗木網,999miaomu.com 美麗紅豆杉 999苗木網,www.cqhuayin.com Leaves thick textured, about 2-3.5 cm long and 2.5-4 mm thick, midvein has different color to stomatal band, not papillate, or with papillae scattered on midvein or in 1-several lateral rows adjacent to stomatal band, margin revolute in living state. 苗木網,999miaomu.com 美麗紅豆杉(Taxus wallichiana var.)葉質地較厚,約2-3.5厘米長,2.5-4毫米厚,中脈與氣孔帶顏色不同,無乳頭狀突起或乳突分布在中脈上或在氣孔帶臨近的一條或幾條側線上,生長形態邊緣外翻。 中國苗木網,www.cqhuayin.com Growing within coniferous and mixed forests, thickets, deforested rocks, open slopes. About 100-3500 m high, but usually at lower elevations than var. chinensis, especially in the east, typically below 1200 m, ascending to over 3000 m in Sichuan and Yunnan. Distributed in south Anhui, Fujian, south Gansu, north Guangdong, north Guangxi, Guizhou, west Henan, west Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, south Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, east Yunnan, Zhejiang. Also distributed in north India, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. 苗木網,999miaomu.com 生善于海拔100-3500米的針葉林、混交林、灌叢中,無樹林的巖石、空闊的斜坡上。普通比中國紅豆杉的海拔低,尤其是在西方海拔低于 1200米,四川、云南海拔低于3000的位置。散布于安徽南部、福建、甘肅南部、廣西南部、廣東南部、貴州、河南西部、湖北西部、湖南、江西、陜東北部、四川、臺灣、云南東部和浙江。在印度北部、老撾、緬甸和越南也有散布。 999中國苗木網,www.cqhuayin.com 999中國苗木網,999miaomu.com
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